IdiotSavant's blog

Extra time

Our magnificent SDC judge, Sophie Melchior, has decided to extend the scenario design competition deadline to 10 January 2012. So, the SDC is now officially in extra time!

If you have something you want to enter (such as, oh, that great game you ran last year, or are running this year, or ran at Fright Night), then you have a month to polish it up and send it away.

Call for games

So, its only four months to go till KapCon XXI, so its time to call for games. We've already got a few, thanks to the suckers wonderful people who offered early or were unable to avoid me at last years afterparty. But, as always, we need more. A lot more. Last year we ran 75 seperate game sessions, or about one for every two participants (we also ran about 20 sessions of Games on Demand). We're going to need about the same this year. Which means we need you to volunteer.

So, if you have a game idea, any game idea, and you're willing to run it at KapCon XXI, fill out the form. Please. Whether its crawling horror with Cthulhu, heroic fantasy in Lord of the Rings, a classic D&D red box dungeon crawl, or an intense family drama larp, with 150 gamers around, there will probably be someone who wants to play it. So please, step up, volunteer to GM, and help make KapCon XXI happen.

(GMs receive discounted entry and a free game pick for every session they run. We can also absolutely guarantee that in the event of Cthulhu rising from the depths, they will be eaten first. Which is better than it sounds, really).

NZRaG is back

The NZRaG forums, which have been a heart of the Wellington gamer community, have had some trouble recently as their database went rotten. But now they're back:

Its a new instance, so you will need to reregister, and it'll probably take a day or two to process people and give them posting rights (a delay sadly necessary thanks to the number of spambots out there). The old forums have been archived, so all our discussions of KapCons past have been preserved.

HarnCon timetable

The timetable for HarnCon is up here.


Yes, there will be T-shirts, available in black and white and costign $23 - $26 depending on the number of orders (more orders = cheaper). If you want one, email with your size and colour. Orders must be received by January 7th, and the shirts will be distributed at the con.

KapCon needs YOU!

My, you're organised this year, aren't you? Registration has been open for less than two weeks, and we already have 62 prereigstrations. That's double what we had this time last year (when we started earlier). Last year, we didn't get to this stage until January.

Despite organising a pile of games for first and second rounds, I hadn't expected quite this level of demand, and game choices are narrowing fast. Which means we need more games, at least a couple each session. So, if you have an idea for a game, and want to give con GMing a go, then please do. Not only will you gain the acclaim of your players and the thanks of a grateful gaming community, you'll also get discounted entry and the chance to signup for sessions later in the con. So, click that Run a Game link, and help make KapCon happen.

Registration for KapCon XX is now live

Right, registration is live. You can fill out the form here. If you've forgotten your account name or password, Email us, and we'll sort you out.

If you haven't already signed up for Al-Shirma, you need to fill out the questionairre ASAP. There are about 15 spaces left, and they're casting soon. So grab your space while you can.

Pre-Con Drinks

Where: The Ruby Lounge, 14 Bond St, CBD Wellington
When: From 19:00 (7:00pm) on Friday 22 January
What: A casual get together the evening before the convention to catch up with old acquaintances and meet new attendees.

Pre-con drinks will this year be at the Ruby Lounge, the new establishment where SYN used to be. Be there or be absent.


(Reposted from Diatribe)

Thanks to the brilliant design efforts of Brynn and Norman we have this slick little number to offer this year.

If you'd like to order one please email with size and colour (black is the default, looks best with the logo). Cost will be $23-$26 depending on quantity we order.

Order will be placed at the end of the week, get in fast!

We need more games

Its a little over three weeks to go until the con, and we're into the final stretch. And as always at this time of year, we need more games. While we're doing better than we were this time last year, there are still a lot of gaps in the timetable. And because preregistrations are doing way better than last year, we have a bit of a crunch in the first round.

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