Kapcon 18

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KapCon 18 Over

Well, KapCon 18 is over, and we have to wait an entire year till another. Thanks to everyone who came along and made it such a lot of fun, especially our overseas visitors and the LARP team, but not forgetting all our amazing facilitators!

In the meantime, you can look at pictures of the LARP (some more are available here, but you'll need a Facebook log-in to see them), or follow the thread on NZ-RAG where people link to posts about their experiences of the convention. If you've written one, or just want to make some comments, go to the thread and link yours in, we all want to hear what people thought!

Now we have to figure out what (if anything) next year's KapCon will be subtitled!

KapCon 18 : Suitable For General Audiences

KapCon 18 in 2009 was held on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th of January at Wellington College.

Timetable 2009

The timetable is subject to change without notice. Facilitators, please feel free to request specific slots

Note the RPGA games have a four hour time slot where possible, as most of the RPGA scenarios are designed for this length of time.

The basic timetable is shown below. Click on a particular session to see which games are running in which session :

Friday 16th January Pre-Kon Party - In Syn - 7.00pm till late
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