sci fi

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LARP: The Face of Oblivion

Catherine Pegg

2277, May 17, Asteroid Habitat Aoraki Mountain, Captain's Address to Crew:

"People, we've done this before. The system newcomer Oblivion, whatever its mass, is just another flying rock. Killing rocks is our trade - we have the technology, the manpower, and the will. Earth will not fall on our watch."

2278, April 4, Asteroid Habitat Aoraki Mountain, Captain's Address to Crew:

"... in light of Oblivion 3's failure due to catastrophic equipment malfunction, technical crews will be inspecting Aoraki's infrastructure early this year. We trust that our crew will behave in the spirit of Aoraki as Oblivion passes through our orbit..."

2278, April 4, Captain's Private Log

"This isn't over."

For more than a hundred years the people of Earth and its surrounding space habitats have been fighting the Rock War - a collection of solid masses are passing willy-nilly through the Solar System, many of which could profoundly damage the mother planet. Most have been neutralised - humanity is winning! But now the largest planet-killer of them all, code-named Oblivion, has defeated the last three attempts to divert it. Soon it will pass through the orbit of Asteroid Habitat Aoraki Mountain, almost close enough to see, and the Captain has one last desperate gambit in mind...

But oh - this will cost. Join the habitat's officers in the last two hours before an irrevocable decision is made. Sometimes there aren't any good choices.

What compromises will you make, in the Face of Oblivion?


Still to Come

Sophie M

"Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is PrisonCorp facility 13-316-66. I repeat this is PrisonCorp facility 13-316-66.. oh god. They're getting through!"


PrisonCorp 13-316-66. A prison planet home to the sector’s toughest, meanest and cruellest. Recently the lights went out. As a member of the Marine Reconnaissance Unit you're the best of the best. But this place holds secrets, secrets you don't want to face. Can you find out what happen? And survive to tell about it?

Mongoose Traveller

To Kill a Lie

Luke Walker

Hollywood: the glitz, the glamour, the grim. The Esoteric Order of Dagon's influence spreads through this town like a foul tide, eroding its foundations and sinking us faster into chaos. But what is chaos in a town where death is just a morbid sideshow or an unnoticed back-alley mistake?

People don't see what we see walking the streets every day. There are such things as monsters. In order to protect you, we have chosen to become that which threatens you - bonding ourselves to otherworldly symbiotes called Tagers.

You may be just as scared of us as you are of them, but better the devil you know...


Shadowrun: Murder? On the dance floor?

Nick Garden

In the year 2012 magic came back into the world. Its now 2071 and elve, orcs, trolls, humans and dwarves struggle to etch out a living in a world dominated by the Megacorps. The players play a team of shadowrunners, a group of hired criminals who do "jobs" no questions asked and off the record.

You get a call, a local night club owner wants to hired some special talent with special skills. Your down to your last dime and need the extra cash.


Still to Come


As a member of the elite Marine Reconnaissance Unit it’s your job to check out the worst places and do the toughest missions. So it’s no surprise that you’re on a shuttle heading down to PrisonCorp planet 13-316-66 to find out why the lights have gone out. But will you survive to find out the truth?

Mongoose Traveller
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