KapCon XXV

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Tooth and Claw

Angela Oliver

Once your life was one of leisure: your food served to you, so that you only needed to hunt for pleasure. There was always a warm spot to lie in, a warm lap to curl up in. Yes, life was grand.

But then, came the night of panic. A loud scream split the air, and all your humans left, taking little more with them then those extra-skins that they wear. You were forgotten, abandoned.

And now the streets lie empty, the houses cold and dark. Your belly rumbles with hunger.
And the dogs are rising up against you.

(Very) Loosely inspired by Stephen Moore's book of the same name, "Tooth and Claw" is the fate of the cats and dogs left behind when their humans are evacuated; survival of the fittest, the fastest, and the most bloody-minded.

Will the cats be able to band together, against their common adversity? Or is there worse to come?

Cat (John Wick)

LARP: Brokenville


This is an experimental Larp based on the Philip Ridley play of the same name. It relies heavily on collaborative storytelling and improvisation (if that sounds scary, this may not be the game for you.)
We are all people with no memories. We find ourselves in a broken place where we will name each other and tell magical stories. In these stories we will take on the roles of Princes and Queens, Witches and Monsters.
Maybe, as we become other people, we will discover some of the truth of who we are.




You wake up cold, in the dark. You are not alone. You can’t remember who you are and you don’t recognize the room you’re in or the people around you. You’re in the ocean, deep underwater in some kind of abandoned research station. Who are you? What is this place and why are you here? What are the strange, monstrous noises coming from the abandoned parts of the Station? What are the creatures that shuffle and splash through the flooded halls and corridors? How will you escape to safety? Can you escape at all?


Danger at Drymill Gulch

Russ kale

Word has reached the town of Old Prados that Wade Dupree and his gang, the famed outlaws, are hiding out nearby in Drymill Gulch. The sheriff has rounded up a posse of gunslingers and concerned citizens to bring these murders and robbers to justice, but in order to get there, your group will need to traverse the dangerous gulch at sunset - the only time of day the heat is bearable. Don't pay any attention to that rustling, pardner. That's just a snake in the brush.


LARP: Raising the Standards


Twelve famed New Zealanders (none of whom have any design experience) have convened to decide on one flag design out of ten possible choices. Each committee member has their own favoured designs, and with a bit of luck, enough people will be able to agree on a design to be voted on by the wider public. Exciting, right?

Oh, there's one other thing.

The *reason* that everyone has their own favoured designs is that, unbeknownst to the others, everyone in the room is an acolyte of a different arcane being. Your being has promised to bring about the apocalypse, and spare you, if a particular design is selected. So you'd better make sure that flag has a fern on it if you want to be alive this time tomorrow...


'Raising the Standards' is a LARP of two halves. In the first half, the players must try and agree on a flag design, trading off various 'win conditions' about the contents of the flag. In the second half, players must attempt to survive the apocalypse that the first half has caused. This is a costume-light, rules-light, seriousness-light game, where the OOC goals are to stack the deck against the characters, and then to either survive or die in a satisfying way.


William Shakespeare's Star Wars: The Empire Striketh Back

Ruth Harper

A play reading of William Shakespeare's Star Wars: The Empire Striketh Back by Ian Doescher

The saga that began with the reading of William Shakespeare's Star Wars continues with this merry reimagining of George Lucas's enduring classic The Empire Strikes Back.

Many a fortnight have passed since the destruction of the Death Star. Young Luke Skywalker and his friends have taken refuge on the ice planet of Hoth, where the evil Darth Vader has hatched a cold-blooded plan to capture them. Only with the help of a little green Jedi Master—and a swaggering rascal named Lando Calrissian—can our heroes escape the Empire's wrath. And only then will Lord Vader learn how sharper than a tauntaun's tooth it is to have a Jedi child.

What light through Yoda's window breaks? Methinks you'll find out in the reading of of The Empire Striketh Back!

Shakespearian English

Apotheosis Setting Timeline Posted

The setting timeline for the Kapcon LARP Apotheosis has been posted. It can be reached from the LARP page. Please have a look. Let us know if you have any questions.

Sea Levels Rising

Karen Wilson

Childermas Atoll has been gradually eroding into the ocean, but Cyclone Hilda appears to have accelerated its demise. In the aftermath of the cyclone, there has been no contact from anyone on the island. Satellite pictures suggest that Stella Maris Mission and the Happy Squid processing complex are the only major buildings that survived the storm. An Emergency Response team was dispatched by seaplane from Auckland yesterday, but ceased transmitting en route.

Now you are on your way to Childermas. Your official role is to find and assist any survivors and clear the airfield so supplies and emergency personnel can be flown in. But as agents of a secret international taskforce, you are expecting trouble of a different kind.


Florida Man Rises

Mike Foster

Somebody done stole Cactus Pete's bike! So now, with the help of his friends The Armadillo Man, Gentleman Esteban, Her Majesty and Angry the Dog (an actual dog), he aims to get it back and ain't nobody gonna stop 'em!

Florida Man

The Ice Forest

Mike Foster

Survivors of a crash, you eke out a tenuous survival in the midst of an alien forest. Fortunately, you stumbled across a structure soon after arriving, which provides shelter, but also suggests you weren’t the first to pass this way. It’s difficult to remember how long you’ve been here, as if the cold has frozen you in time, it could have been last week, or it could have been years ago. All you know is the present. Occasionally you catch a flicker of movement out of the corner of your eye, as if there are others out there among the trees, or it could just be your imagination.
Then one day a stranger arrives.

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