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Necropolis Now

John Massie

January 1975. South Vietnam, near the Cambodian border. The lone survivor of a FUBAR black ops mission stumbles out of the jungle. Limping, bloody, barely alive. When debriefed they make a disturbing report. A hidden jungle temple. Attackers made of living shadow. Dead soldiers coming back to life, hungry for human flesh.

The brass is keen to chalk the report up to hallucinations resulting from injuries sustained, redact the failed mission into oblivion, and forget it ever happened. But for Marine Force Recon 666th Division, this sounds like the latest in a worrying trend of supernatural incidents just over the Cambodian border. A team is dispatched to investigate…

'Necropolis Now' is an action focused game using a modified version of Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. (Sure other systems are probably more suited for this story, but I like to try twist 5e into weird shapes). Players will take on the role supernaturally empowered special forces soldiers in a story best described as Tomb of Annihilation meets Apocalypse Now. Get ready to love the smell of Fireballs in the morning.

D&D 5e (Modified)

3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars

Will Howard

Earth is a paradise. Utopia has come to pass, life is perfect. But some people just aren't suited for perfection. But some people must fight to preserve the tranquil ideallism, and drive off the alien menace.
For this, there is the 3:16th, the most elite of the Terran Expeditionary Force. Peace is your profession. Get to it trooper.

3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars

Operation Icebox


The year is 1947, and the American Navy is conducting manuvers in Antarctic waters. But for a small group of marines, it's not just the icy conditions they'll be fighting...

The players will be archetypical soldiers (Sarge, Greenhorn, Moose, Doc & Koslowski) dealing with a supernatural menace on a sub-Antarctic island. We will use the InSpectres ruleset. Last time this was run, there was time for two episodes.

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