Wellington Anniversary Weekend January 18th - 19th 2025

LARP: Hell is Other People

Michael Foster

On a cold and snowy night in the year 2213 eight very dangerous individuals gather in a bar, in the city of Baumgartner on the planet of Magellan.
Why are they there? Who are they? What connects them? And just who is the guy with the duck head?

Tonight, these questions will be answered, but possibly not to everyones liking.

This is a SF themed game, set in THE FUTURE!

freeform LARP

There Will Be Blood

Michael Foster

For too long Sharky and his gang of gang of psychotic thugs have been getting away, literally, with murder in the East End. Their crimes are too numerous to list, the details too horrific for even the most hardened cops to stomach, the body count higher than the Burj Khalifa and the financial cost of the damage enough to make even the greediest Wall St broker feel faint.
But certain members of the elite organised crime unit have had enough, they're concocting an elaborate plan in secret to take them down once and for all. One way or another, there will be blood, and lots of it.


LARP: Betrothals & Betrayals

Viveka Nylund

Lady Bathurst has invited a number of eligible young ladies and gentleman to stay at Albion Hall, in the hope of finding a suitable match for her only daughter. However, behind the polite conversation and pleasant surroundings lurks many a dark secret and hidden agenda...

This game was written by Donna Giltrap for Chimera 2010. A cast-list is available here.

Rock paper scissors

Its a wrap

KapCon XXI is done and dusted! A lot of games, a fantastic flagship larp, and a lot of happy gamers. I haven't got final stats yet, but I'll be posting them there once I've crunched the numbers.

If you have any feedback, or want to share your stories of KapCon, there's an NZRaG forum. We'll be paying close attention to work out how to improve your con experience, and we've had a number of good suggestions emerge already.

And of course we'll be back, same time, same place next year. Hopefully I'll see you all then.

The Lost Church

Conan McKegg

Recently up in the mountain ranges that look out over the plains towards The Holy City, a group of archaeologists have uncovered an ancient chapel that the Holy Church believes to be an early church to Abel.

For over a month reports have come in describing mosaics and documents that date back to a time of great conflict and war, and may help provide insight into an era lost to history. But a week ago the stream of communication stopped. The Empress is concerned that something has befallen the exploratory group and has offered to pay for a small scouting expedition to investigate if there has been trouble from bandits or thieves in the area.

But what the group is about to find is no simple case of banditry, but possibly a discovery that will rock their understanding of the world of Gaia. A discovery that some people are willing to do anything to prevent becoming public knowledge.

The Lost Church is set in the Anima: Beyond Fantasy setting of Gaia. A world going through a Renaissance, where magic is something said to be of myth and legend, where science is on the rise. But there are those in the world who know this to be a lie. Magic is everywhere and it is getting stronger, not weaker. Ancient races, long believed to be nothing by stories, are being reborn - their souls reincarnating into mortal bodies. The game is a mix of Western Fantasy with the style and sensibilities of Japanese cRPGs like Lost Odyssey and Final Fantasy.

Anima: Beyond Fantasy

The Marsh Bell

Conan McKegg

The Wilderlands of Middle Earth are a dangerous place to wander unprepared in this Age. When a group of adventurers arrive in Esgaroth, they learn of two Dwarven Messengers missing somewhere in the Long Marshes. The Kingdom under the Lonely Mountain is astir, as the two messengers were carrying a letter of great political importance.

Tasked with retrieving the missing Dwarves and their message, these adventurers will begin a treacherous journey where they will need to learn to rely on each other to survive - despite being strangers. For in the Wilds something stirs in the shadows and hungers...

The One Ring

Mouse Guard -- By the Book

Rohan Smith

In the world of Mouse Guard, mice struggle to live safely and prosper amongst harsh conditions and a host of predators. Thus the Mouse Guard was formed: more than just soldiers, they are guides for common mice looking to journey without confrontation from one village to another. They see to their duty with fearless dedication so that they may not simply exist, but truly live.

Play one of the adventure of the Mouse Guard. I have a selection of Missions based on the original Mouse Guard Comics. You will play one of the heroes of the Mouse Guard as you defend Lockhaven and all mousekind from a variety of threats.

Mouse Guard

Order your t-shirts now!

And now we have a final design. And an order form.

Shirts will be $30 each.

The grey areas will be a dull silver, the white areas are... well, white.

For a larger version of this picture, see the attachment below.

We need orders by Monday 16th January please...

Tshirts will be available at Kapcon. Please bring money with you. If you wish to pay by internet banking, then please use the Kapcon account as on this page. Please make sure that you put your NAME and a reference of TSHIRT in the payment.

Any questions, please email us.

Silence of Graia

Jon Ball

Graia is a foundry world that produces Hellhound tanks for the Imperial Guard. Ten days ago an electrical storm formed over the main factory there and communication was lost. The next day a garbled message came through which suggested something sinister was going on underneath the veil of the storm. An Imperial Guard company was dispatched to the factory, but were knocked out of the sky by the storm. Another unit landed outside the storm and made their way in on the ground, but nothing has been heard from them. As the storm grows, the authorities believe a malevolent presence is behind it. Rather than let their factories be used by the forces of Chaos, they prepare to nuke the site from orbit. You are the last attempt to find out what is happening on Graia. Can you save the planet (and yourselves) from the darkness that lurks there?

Set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, The Silence of Graia is an adventure using the Dark Heresy system. In a dystopian future where mankind must fight for survive in the darkness of the universe, the players take on the roles of investigators into what has happened on Graia.

Dark Heresy


Yes, there will be T-shirts this year! Here's the preliminary design:

We're currently getting costs, and running a poll on NZRaG to see how much people are willing to pay; if the costs are too high, then we will fall back to the main design (currently on the back) being on the front. So, please fill out the poll and let us know.

Hopefully we can take orders next week.

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