The Imperial world of Caladan is a world of moderate significance, deep within the Hades Rift. A planet of azure oceans and tropical islands, there is little to interest outside parties as the planet has low strategic value to the foul Xenos who infect the sub-sector. What is clear is that shortly before all Astropathic communication was abruptly cutoff the Planetary Governor demanded urgent assistance from the Astra Militarum.
The Cadian 92nd, fresh from a campaign to purge Heretical worshipers of Chaos have been re-routed to join ten other regiments in restoring order to the isolated Ocean planet.
The players, under the command of Captain Stromm, Second Company, find themselves tasked with leading the assault to retake the Governor's palace.
It is the 41st Millennium and in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war