home brew

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Bad Day in Black Diamond (As Usual)

Steve Blum

Plunge into the baffling and bloody fight for power and glory in the back alleys and warrens of Black Diamond, and the fiefs and keeps beyond. You, a seasoned adventurer, walk into the World Gate that appeared suddenly and mysteriously, leading to an unknown land where odd things happen and some strangers are stranger than others. Evil wizards, mad clerics and mafia bosses should be avoided if you are smart. Strong drink and lucrative propositions should be ignored if you are wise. But you are not.

Roleplaying counts, alignment matters, survival is optional and you may be roaming on another deity's network.

The setting - Contra World - was created in the AD&D 1e era, and modified with elements from 1.5e, 2e and BRP sci-fi variants, with a dash of flavouring from other systems (Champions, anyone?). After a jarring side trip into 5e, it's come home to OSRIC.

OSRIC – Old School Reference and Index Compilation – is an open-source resurrection of AD&D 1e. It's faithful to the original, with a few modifications most of us were making back in the day anyway. But if you just gotta account for the relative effectiveness of a Bohemian Ear-Spoon against banded mail vs. a Bec de Corbin, references will be available. Full rules can be downloaded for free at:


Fifth level, re-rolled characters provided. Or bring your own fifth level AD&D 1e/OSRIC character.

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