Games on Demand

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Daniel S

As has become an institution over the years we will be offering games on demand over the course of the entirety of KapCon.

At the start of each round any GM/DM/MC/Storyteller that is interested will pitch one or two ideas for a game and then we, as a group reach a consensus on what interests us and those games get run.

It's an opportunity for the facilitator to get an enthusiastic audience for some of the ideas they would like to bring to life and a chance for players to get a look in at game systems that they might not have previously considered.

KapCon is a great choice if you are unsure of what you would like to play next or would just like a chill game with an experienced host.

If you are wanting to run some games but are having difficulty choosing which ones to run, consider signing up for GOD and getting in touch with me. We are always looking for more hands to share the load.

I'll update this list with systems as I get people signing up but for now I will be offering:

SLA Industries
Stealing Stories For The Devil
The Devils Dandy Dogs


Games on Demand

Lots of people!

Once again, we'll be running Games on Demand at Kapcon 2021! We'll have lots of fun, easy to play games as usual.

Call for Volunteers

Games on Demand urgently needs more facilitators! Can you help?

Necessary qualifications are:
- You would like to run some games.
- You could greet players, find them a game, and send them to the right room.

Low-preparation games are obviously stars here, but games/adventures with prep done in advance are great too (as long as it can be played on demand!) You also get to claim the GM's reduced entry fee and preferential game picks.

Have a think about if you’d like to take part, and let me know (email to


Here's a list of games coming this year:
* Agon
* Birds of a Feather (playtest)
* Blades in the Dark
* Blaze of Glory
* Come Dice With Me
* Decuma
* Demigods
* Electric Bastionland
* Endure
* Forbidden Lands
* Heavy Metal Aeons (playtest)
* Heroes of the Hearth
* i'm sorry did you say street magic
* Ironsworn
* Lovecraftesque
* Monster of the Week
* Scum and Villainy
* The Sprawl
* Tachyon Squadron
* Unknown Armies
* Zombie World


Games on Demand 2015 edition

we are (a small) legion

Games on Demand is back for 2015!

More fun filled adventures from a huge variety of games, with specific games picked at the start of each round.

We don't have a list of things on offer yet, but it should be the usual mix of old favourites, new hotness, a few playtests, and weird stuff you never heard of before

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