Made in New Zealand

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Strange Squad - The disappearance of Ella Marie

John Whyte

Strange Squad is a New Zealand made game about weird, powerful individuals known as 'Agents' investigating and solving issues involving 'Aberrants': Paranormal creatures, beings, and phenomena that defy logical explanation. Agent's seek to uphold The Veil, a layer of secrecy that keeps the public from learning about these fragments of unreality, for their sake and ours.

Set in Ohura, New Zealand, Ella Marie has gone missing. Normally the agency wouldn't worry about such mundane matters but the pedict-o-monitor spiked to 3000 just before the call, and the Agency doesn't want another Ester Kampf situation (2016) especially as the runes of banishment are in Waimate stopping (another) demonic excursion. Plus the Guru of the Kings Country is down there and there hasn't been an IN-3-B5 (risk assessment - possession (accidental) and disclosure (Veil)) completed on her yet. So definitely do that whilst you're down there, those forms were rolled out in 2021 and she'd be one of the stragglers the Agency needs to complete it for.

Content Warning : Horror, kidnapping, cults, views about Ohura, rape/sexual violation (offscreen- think law&order SVU )

Strange Squad

Terror in Turangi

Sophie M

Boatees dragged from their boats. Tourists vanishing whilst tramping in National Park. Pets missing from back yards. To most people a series of unrelated events, but to the Department of Conservation: Special Investigations Unit something seems off.

You have been sent to Turangi to investigate. What will you find lurking beneath the Central Plateau?

Find out in... TERROR IN TURANGI.

Monster of the Week
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