Cthulhu mythos

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LARP: It Ain't Easy Being Gilled

Anna K

To sign up for this game, please both email kapcon@gmail.com, and fill out the casting form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3x_-bbhGVJazpQCqCSNeOETyE7TFk...

Remember high school? All the angst, drama, rebellion, gossip, crushes, homework, exams, scholarships, careers, family obligations, fashion, music, and being very misunderstood?

It's no different when you're a student at Innsmouth High School. Well, all right, maybe it's a little different - maybe in other towns they don't go skinny dipping at Devil's Reef, maybe other teenagers don't have arranged marriages with Deep Ones to worry about and maybe other teenagers don't have to worry about how their gills look with the latest looks in Cosmo. But other than that, it's not much different being a teenager in a decaying town trapped in an ongoing alliance with a race of underwater monsters.

You were on your way to a pre-graduation party, and now it's the next morning, and you don't remember anything between arriving and the party and, well, now. Your head hurt, you're covered in dirt, seawater, and blood, and you're pretty sure you said some stuff you really shouldn't have... what the hell happened last night?

A high school caper meets "The Hangover" meets H.P. Lovecraft. A a rules-light, no-to-low costume comedy larp for ten players. Perfect for anyone who has never larped but been loud at a table.

As they say at Innsmouth High - it's only funny until someone gets sacrificed to Dagon. Then it's HILARIOUS

Rules Light


Hamish Cameron

Gaius Divites wants you over to Lucius Felix's domus lickety-split to half inch 'im something that fell off the back of a plaustrum. Now Lucius Felix is a right Caesar when it comes to the Tiber docks, so you'll 'ave to play it real easy or you'll be floating through Ostia by morning. Mind you, this ain't the first time you and the lads have sacked Carthage. You'll be spending Divites' coin quicker than I can say veni, vidi, vici.

Furta is a playtest of Nefas, a PbtA game of mythos horror and supernatural weirdness set in the Roman empire of the early second century CE. This particular game is a mashup of Hadrianic Rome and Guy Ritchie crime movies. There may or may not be a supernatural twist. Think Gladiator meets Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels meets The Color Out of Space. No knowledge of Roman history is required to play--it worked for Ridley Scott, after all. Premade characters (mostly) will be provided; BYO terrible London crime caper accent.

Nefas (PbtA playtest)

The Corbitt House - Call of Cthulhu - beginner friendly


This scenario takes place in Lovecraft Country, and is suitable for up to 6 beginner investigators. Can you survive the Horror with your mind and body intact? In Call of Cthulhu games, that is the real challenge.

A landlord, Mr. Knott, asks you to examine an old house in central Boston, known as the Corbitt House. The former tenants, the Macario family, were involved in a tragedy and the owner wishes to understand the mysterious happenings at the house and set matters straight. Mr. Knott been unable to rent the house out since the tragedy and hopes that you can clear things up and restore its good name. He offers to reimburse you for your time and trouble.

Call of Cthulhu is typically set in the interwar period between 1919 and 1939. The Cthulhu Mythos, as it has come to be called, originates with the writings of HP Lovecraft. Subsequently a number of other authors added to the corpus, which is why it is called the Cthulhu Mythos and not the Lovecraft Mythos. Many other RPG systems now exist set in the mythos, not always in the 1920s.

Call of Cthulhu is a game of cooperative investigation but unlike many other RPGs is quite dangerous. Sanity and your very life are always at risk. It is gritty and apart from the Fantasy Horror elements, aims to be quite realistic. A stab or a gunshot can kill you outright. However, smart investigation and care can mean all the investigators can survive and solve the mystery. Players used to high hitpoints and magic potions of healing may be disappointed.

Call of Cthulhu

LARP: It Ain't Easy Being Gilled

Anna Klein

Remember high school? All the angst, drama, rebellion, gossip, crushes, homework, exams, scholarships, careers, family obligations, fashion, music, and being very misunderstood?

It's no different when you're a student at Innsmouth High School. Well, all right, maybe it's a little different - maybe in other towns they don't go skinny dipping at Devil's Reef, maybe other teenagers don't have arranged marriages with Deep Ones to worry about and maybe other teenagers don't have to worry about how their gills look with the latest looks in Cosmo. But other than that, it's not much different being a teenager in a decaying town trapped in an ongoing alliance with a race of underwater monsters.

You were on your way to a pre-graduation party, and now it's the next morning, and you don't remember anything between arriving and the party and, well, now. Your head hurt, you're covered in dirt, seawater, and blood, and you're pretty sure you said some stuff you really shouldn't have... what the hell happened last night?

A no-to-low costume comedy larp for ten players. As they say at Innsmouth High - it's only funny until someone gets sacrificed to Dagon. Then it's HILARIOUS.

Rules minimal
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