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Greetings troubleshooters. Welcome! You slimy, newly synthesized clones, to Alpha Complex!

Your best friend and benefactor is the omnipotent, omniscient omnivore AI - Friend Computer. As a hyperintelligent AI, naturally he has better things to do than to solve the issues plaguing you troublesome remnants of humanity, so...

That’s where you come in, troubleshooter! You have been stuck with the important job of bringing a Hallowed Programmer to fix an issue with Friend Computer’s master terminal. Where is this located? Well that’s classified, above your clearance level. And what are you so interested for? Next you’ll want to know how to get there, and who you’ll be going with. Why do you want to know so much information? Sounds like something a communist spy would do! Know your clearance. Anything above your clearance is none of your concern. Anything below? Well that’s up to you to decide.

Paranoia is a classic RPG from 1984. A relic from a world still recovering from the red scare and the cold war. Filthy traitorous communists are your enemy. Treachery is all around. It’s as much a game of you versus the environment as you versus the other players. After all, how would it look to Friend Computer if you let them steal all the glory?

No prior game knowledge is required, but useful (And also illegal, how did you get a copy of that knowledge? That’s beyond your clearance!) ‘Tis a silly game. Prior roleplaying experience preferred, though a willingness to betray each other and argue profusely will do.

Paranoia 2E
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