Cast of Characters

This year, instead of applying to play a particular character, we'd like you to answer the following questionaire. The LARP team will then assign you a character that matches your preferences.

Character Questionaire

  1. How do you feel like costuming?
    Cool costumes are fantastic! I particularly like the ones where I put a lot of effort into make-up and special props.
    I like to look good, but I'm not interested in really elaborate costumes.
    Meh. I'll do enough to pass, but costuming isn't my thing.
  2. How do you feel about political plotlines?
    Just call me Machiavelli.
    I'll do some wheeling and dealing, but I'd like other things to do as well.
    Politics fill me with grinding boredom.
  3. What's your take on combat-oriented characters?
    I'm all about dashing deeds and derring-do. Can I buckle my swash?.
    I want a character who can hold his/her own in a fight.
    Fighting is what other people do.
  4. And what about romantic plotlines?
    I want my character to find True Love. The more chaos and mayhem in the process, the better.
    It would add a little spice, but it's not my main focus.
    I hate that frilly stuff.
  5. If you were to find yourself in a romantic plotline, what's your take on same-gender relationships?
    Yeah, sure.
    Sorry, that would make me uncomfortable.
  6. How emotionally hard-core would you like your character to be?
    Bring on the angst! Woe! Sorrow! Wail and howl to the moon about the eternal pain of being!
    I feel emotions as much as the next man. Girl. Er, the PC standing next to me.
    I'm more of the staunch stiff-upper-lip type.
  7. Comedy or Tragedy?
    Either / no preference
  8. What kind of background do you want your character to come from?
    Art, music, poetry are the finer things in life.
    Hunting, fighting, soldiering, those are the finer things in life.
    Keeping up one's standards, paying proper tribute to the past,maintaining imperial grandeur, those are the only things that matter.
    Always moving around, travelling the whale road, living off your wits and your trade goods - that's the life..
    Hey, I'm a citizen of the world! I don't want to be tied down by categories and stereotypes.
    I'll be happy with wherever my character comes from. Surprise me!
  9. Ambition
    My character should be set up to succeed. It's no fun playing a loser.
    It's more fun if I've a good chance of achieving at least some goals.
    Struggling against uncertain fate is all part of the fun.
    Goals? Aims? What are they? I'm just there to hang out in character.
  10. Preparation
    I'd love to help you guys by helping paint props, or setting up on the day, or helping on the night!
    If you need a hand you can ask, but I'm a bit busy.
    I'd prefer to just show up and play this time.

New Questionaire I've done this before and changed my mind.
