Horror on the High Seas

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Facilitator : Liam Jones Number of Players : 6
System : Call of Cthulhu System Knowledge? : Useful
Genre : 1920s Horror, Classic Cthulhu Genre Knowledge? : Not Needed
Style : Classic Cthulhu RPG Experience? : Useful
Age / Maturity : Mature Classification : M
Energy / Volume : Laid back style with player interaction encouraged Scored : Y

Its 1920s USA. Hugh Howard, a famous millionaire, has disappeared, his housemaid's body has been found severely mutilated and all this just before his latest triumph, the launch of his newly built luxury liner the SS Apollo. Are these events linked?

Bureau of Investigation agents have teamed up with local law enforcement to investigate the millionaire's disappearance and to find the maid's murderer.... a relatively straight forward job for experienced police officers and BOI agents.... right?

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