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Thieves in the Ninth House

Luke Walker

Ash falls like rain and mists blot out the stars. Skaa slaves live in squalor, languishing beneath the booted heel of oppressive nobility. Savage Steel Inquisitors hunt and slaughter all enemies of the mightiest being in the world, the Lord Ruler. A lucky few have the amazing magical ability to tap the hidden power of metal, flaring brighter and soaring higher than all others.

This is the world of Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn — and you’re about to save it, or die trying.

You are part of a thieving Crew whose services are retained by Hutch, the information broker. The job is simple but not easy: help Amyse Bylerum, daughter of a minor house, escape. She is held by House Urbain, the ninth most powerful house in the Final Empire.

Seems simple enough. But just remember - there is always another secret.

Mistborn Adventure Game

Tears of Vykyris

Luke Walker

Through the rain, he didn't taste the salt of your tears still lingering on her lips:

Like a Burst of Symphonic Colour, we danced to the Chaos of our Lives like our Fathers did before us:

All art by Wen-M ( used with permission.

Anima Beyond Fantasy

The Archmage's Crown


For nearly a century the necromancers of the Ebon Tower have plotted the fall of Arlandia. For nearly a century they have schemed their evil schemes and planned their evil plans. For nearly a century, they have been ruled over by a succession of Archmages, each aided by the power of a mystical crown. The crown grants power, and bonds instantly with its wearer. Whenever an Archmage dies, whoever first bonds with the Archmage's crown becomes the new Archmage.

Now the Archmage is dead, and a new one must be chosen. Who shall be the next wearer of the Archmage's Crown?

A Pratchettesque comedy-fantasy by Donna Giltrap, first run at KapCon XI. People who have played "The Golden Pegasus" and "Graduation day" may find some setting elements familiar.

Freeform / BURP

Rhialto's Book of Marvels

Bruno Knewstubb

A character-driven game of almost childish one-upmanship played amongst the Dying Earth's most puissant arch-magicians (who happen to be stuck, in a book). Somebody must win - be sure it is you!

Dying Earth / Skullduggery

Shadows Within Dreams

Luke Walker

“Dreams. These fragments of death... How I hate them.”

An island on the brink of death. A cathedral filled with memories. Dreams plagued by black winged harbingers. Five strangers with destinies obscured by shadow. A girl cries for help into the empty night.

In the world of Gaia, choices must be made, bonds must be formed and a stand must be taken.

Anima: Beyond Fantasy

Dungeons and Dragons 4th Ed Games on Demand

Karen Dransfield

Set in the world of Living Forgotten Realms lives a range of good guys and not so good guys. You will be playing adventurers who are part of a mercenary guild set out to complete an assigned job. It might be a rescue, it might be an information hunt, it might be a hunting of some murderous monsters and much more.

There will be a range of different mini games on offer, and each group that plays will get to chose which game they would like to play. This is the RPGA game slot, with games running in time with the other game slots. If you have RPGA sanctioned characters please bring them along and I will work them into the games.

Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition

Drizztina's Academy for Gifted Drow


Its tough being an orphan. Now imagine being a clanless orphan in the Drow underworld. Plucked up out of the sewers of Erelhei-Cinlu because someone spotted a spark of talent in you, now you face your toughest challenge to date: graduating from senior year. Pass with 1st class honours, and a more prosperous life awaits, flunk out, and if you're lucky you'll become a Drider.

Dragon Age

Valley of Lost Children

Karen Wilson

You are a member of an elite unit in the Brassicacean army, hand-picked by the charismatic captain. You’re a close-knit unit of specialists, usually assigned to ambassadorial missions or diplomatic protection, but now, mysteriously assigned to a tax collection detail. Apparently some hick town in Umbellifera (a province you’ve barely heard of on the western margin of the empire) is attracting the attention and jealousy of its neighbours by having a few more sheep than them or something.


The Golden Pegasus Home for Retired Adventurers


"The Company of the Argent Banner" were once a bold band of adventurers. However, time waits for no man (although it seems quite happy to wait for elves and dwarves), and now many of the party have retired to "The Golden Pegasus".


In the Blood


In the small village of Goreon at the base of the Frostback Mountains dark happenings are afoot. The villagers are terrified to leave their houses after dark and those that do disappear never to be seen again. However the people who have gone missing aren't just strangers, they're your friends and family. So what are you going to do about it?

Dragon Age RPG
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