The capitol ships need repairs, but the price of materials has skyrocketed. The Commodore doesn’t want to afford it and has decided to turn a few idle ships and crews to the task of looking for salvage during the refit.
That would be you.
She’s had analysts scour the hypernet for every salvage rumour they can find and given you a list. Your freshly recruited crew were rival gangs last week, your fellow officers are… special, and you’re learning first-hand just how much empty the universe has in it. But hey, at least no-one is shooting at you. Right now.
“Travel the Galaxy! Meet Fascinating New Life Forms, Then Kill Them!”
Set in the universe of the now complete webcomic Schlock Mercenary, Planet Mercenary is a fast paced and hopefully humorous game about trying to make money by shooting people, or in this case pickup up valuable stuff that’s been left lying around.
Knowledge of the game system is not needed, knowledge of the comic is a bonus!