The dragon stirs...

KapCon is currently preparing for its 2025 event. We're currently updating the website with the details, and I anticipate sending the initial plea for GMs in the next few days. But game submission is already open, so if you'd like to run a game, especially in round one or two, please log in and fill out the form.

I expect to spend the next two months trying to get games. Player registration will open once we have enough round one and two games to cope with our expected initial registrations. Normally that happens around the first week of November. More games will come in over November and December, and the timetable will be finalised in January. And then it's Wellington Anniversary Weekend and con time.

If you can't wait till then for your gaming fix, Roll For Hope is a lovely little con, which raises money for the Make A Wish Foundation. Or if you can go further afield, check out Convergence in Hamilton.