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Mythic Bastionland

Luke Walker

On cold misten hills, beast witsome and fell
In holdings and havens the vassals adwell
Seers know the all, the start and the end
Myths hushed aloud to which truth must abend

You are Knights united by a common Oath:

Seek the Myths
Honour the Seers
Protect the Realm

You may have dreams of glory, but every Knight must accept the risk of death. The Seers who knighted you have deemed that you travel as a Company. While some of you may rest, roam, or die, your collective journey will be as one.

This is an old school hexcrawl scenario in which a group of Knights travel to a far-off island realm under the guidance of the Seers to seek the truth of the Myth that resides there. The scenario will be randomly filled out based on a few key choices by the players at the start of the session.

Mythic Bastionland
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