graphic violence

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The Flint Termination

Hamish / Anarchangel

When you work in the shadows of the chrome monoliths, you take whatever work that floats down to the streets from the boardrooms and big-data expert systems. Sometimes you're paid to extract a corporate employee from his former employer. Sometimes you have to recover employees who have been newly reemployed by a new employer. Sometimes its data... missing and in need of recovery, or located and in need of appropriation. Every now and then the job's just straight out wetwork.

But the simple ones never turn out to be that simple. Better pack extra stimpatches.

The Sprawl is an apocalypse-powered game of mission-based action in a gritty neon-and-chrome cyberpunk future. You are the extended assets of vast multinational corporations, operating in the criminal underground, and performing the tasks that those multinationals can’t do, or can’t be seen to, do. Deniable, professional, and ultimately disposable.

The Sprawl (Powered by the Apocalypse)
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