Workshop: Rule of cool system chat

Sam Malcolm

A game that fosters creativity and promotes safe risk-taking, grounded in a shared understanding of balanced limits while offering nearly limitless options for character creation. Players can develop characters that align with various themes or play styles and easily blend them with others.

The game uses a d20 action-focused system, incorporating other dice as needed. It supports the creation of any skill, power, gear, or magic spell, ensuring balance within the storytelling framework.

Experience points are gained by performing challenging tasks, fostering a culture where failure leads to learning and encourages players to explore creative solutions. Flaw rules can add difficulty, rewarding players with experience upon overcoming these challenges.

The system maintains balance by standardizing how positive and negative effects interact with characters and the game world. Additionally, it can integrate seamlessly with narratives from other game systems or modules, with minor adjustments by the game master to maintain balance.

This will be me talking about the game system and going over section of it and answering questions and teaching people how it functions as I would like publish this in the near future

Rule of cool
Number of Players: 
System Knowledge: 
Not Needed
Genre Knowledge: 
Not Needed
Role-playing Knowledge: 
Not Required
This game is teen-friendly: