The Chronicles of Al Shir-Ma - The Djinni

Extracted from The Chronicles of Al Shir-Ma, written approximately 8 years before today:

My name is Abdullah bin Katib, and I am a humble scholar of meager experience but with a great and abiding curiosity. It has been my privilege to live in the wondrous town of Al Shir-Ma these ten years past. I set down here my observations, as well as the rumours and tales which I have heard about the truly extraordinary citizenry and visitors to Al Shir-Ma, the fabled jewel of the desert.

The Djinni

It is the Djinni themselves who are the true wonder of Al Shir-Ma. Some have claimed they are evil and selfish, while yet others speak of their nobility and grace. In my observation the mighty spirits of the desert are all these things and more; as capricious and fickle as any person, yet also endowed with compassion and mercy of the best of us. According to the ancient texts the Djinni are mystical and holy creatures, aligned to the 4 elements of nature; Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

Scholars have observed that in addition to each element a Djinni has an object, or “focus” which allows them to channel power, but in turn has power over them, forcing the Djinni to do the wielder’s will: The element of Fire is ruled by the Sword and is considered to have the duel nature of Aggression and Mercy. Such a blade will endow the wielder with great martial prowess. The element of Water is ruled by the Bowl and is considered to have the duel nature of Laziness and Diligence. The bowl is reputed to allow one to behold a foretelling of the future, for good or ill.

The element of Earth is ruled by the Coin and is considered to have the duel nature of Greed and Charity. Such a coin is said to bring the wielder great wealth. The element of Air is ruled by the Rod and is considered to have the duel nature of Pride and Humility. A rod of this kind will bring the wielder great renown and influence.

Due to the power of such items the Djinni are obvious very protective of them, though there are tales bargains being struck by greedy or fortunate people to temporarily acquire such an instrument. These agreements are interesting in and of themselves as they are utterly binding. Any attempt to use the focus against the Djinni when a contract has been signed will, by all reports, turn back on the wielder.