Star Wars: Mountaintop Rescue (Surge Protection)

Fraser Peat

Opening crawl

It is a dark time in the galaxy. The JEDI ORDER has been destroyed and knowledge of the FORCE has all but lost. Only a handful of people sensitive to the Force remains, scattered across the stars, ignorant of their destiny.

Humble scholar Hethan Romund has preserved a fragment of the heritage of the Jedi. Traveling the galaxy, Romund stumbled across a number of people still strong in the Force and offered them what wisdom she could. Now, Romund has been captured by MALEFAX, a servant of the dark side of the Force. Compelled by Malefax to lead him to a lost temple rich in ancient knowledge, Romund has sent a signal to several of the Force-sensitive allies she has made over the course of her career.

Drawn together to rescue their mentor, these Force-sensitives now climb the snow-clad slopes of MOUNT TELLEC on the Outer Rim planet Spintir....

Star Wars: Force and Destiny
Number of Players: 
System Knowledge: 
Not Needed
Star Wars
Genre Knowledge: 
Not Needed
Role-playing Knowledge: 
Not Required
Star Wars
Age / Maturity: 
Star Wars