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Down Darker Trails


Saddle up! Get yourself a posse together and have a look-see what’s over that hill. There’s strange rumors coming in from the whisperin’ desert. You’d best put a round in that iron and make haste!
Down Darker Trails is a setting for Call of Cthulhu—the American West of the late 19th century. The era of gold rushes, outlaws and lawmen.
Start the weekend with a bang!
Down these dark trails the taint of the Cthulhu Mythos stirs, ready to lure the unwary and tempt the power hungry with whispered secrets of cosmic knowledge. This is a West of hidden worlds, lost treasures and cities, dubious deals and unsavory alliances. A land filled with beauty, mystery, terrorand wild adventure!

Pregenerated characters provided.
Strong content warning - violence, gore, horror, cowboy accents.
R18 because I've met players.
If you climb in the saddle, be ready for the ride.

Call of Cthulhu
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