
KapCon ludos desideramus

Or, in English, "KapCon needs more games". We've worked up the preliminary timetable, and as you can see, there are some big gaps. Last year we ran 19 games a round, with a half-size round 6, so that leaves us needing two more in round one, one in round two, and 22 across the rest of the convention. Plus we need another three or so games for the non-larpers in round 3.5. In addition, we need "surge protection" games, in case we have more people than expected - one or two each round.

So, if you GM, or want to start, now is the time to fill out the form and offer to run a game.

No, it doesn't have to be original. I'm running a game out of a book, others are too, and there's nothing wrong with that. Others are running repeats of games they have run at other cons or in previous years. If you're stuck for ideas, there's a request list here (NOTE: we still have no-one running "The One Ring". In Hobbit season, we can surely do better than that), and there are old SDC scenarios here.

As for why: GM picks. If you run a game, you get priority entry in another session. GMs can jump the queue and pre-book their entire con if they run enough games. So if there's something you're really desperate to play, the answer is to run something else to get into it.

The final countdown

Things are coming together. We now have at least 11 excellent games - plus GoD - in each round. The larp has a blurb. The forms have been setup. So, we're ready to go. To give everyone a fair shot, registration will open at 8pm on Monday 15 October. Hopefully the server won't fall over beneath a mob of desperate gamers.

Call for games

The KapCon dragon has awoken, and is searching for games for KapCon next year. If you're a regular GM, you should have already received an email. If not, we're after three-hour tabletops, ideally with pre-generated characters (we're also after ~10 - 20 player larps, but that seems well in-hand). Your game must run to time, otherwise you're cutting into people's eating, socialising, and personal comfort time.

As for what to run, the answer is "anything". Seriously, we don't care. If you want to run Macho Women With Guns, or a tense Call of Cthulhu scenario, or a classic D&D dungeon bash, or even (shudder) Spawn of Fashan (look it up), go ahead. The market will decide. All we ask is that you tell people up-front what they're in for (so, adult content, trigger warnings etc) so they can make an informed choice on whether to play. If you're looking for inspiration, there's a thread on NZRaG called "What games do you want to see at KapCon 22?" which lists some stuff that people want to see.

No, you don't need to write the scenario yourself (but many do). Its quite OK to run something prewritten (hell, I do that every year).

Once you've decided to run a game, fill out the form here (that's right, the one in the sidebar marked "Run a Game!")

"What's in it for me", you ask? Fame, fortune, the esteem of your peers and players. Yes, yes, OK, we also have discounted entry for anyone running a game. And more importantly, GM picks, so you can gain guaranteed entry into another game (KapCon only pre-registers the first two rounds, so this lets you sign up for that hot game in round 5 before anyone else).

With six (now 6.5) sessions of gaming to fill, and about 6 people per group, on average everyone needs to run a session. So please step up and do your bit to make KapCon a success.

Its a wrap

KapCon XXI is done and dusted! A lot of games, a fantastic flagship larp, and a lot of happy gamers. I haven't got final stats yet, but I'll be posting them there once I've crunched the numbers.

If you have any feedback, or want to share your stories of KapCon, there's an NZRaG forum. We'll be paying close attention to work out how to improve your con experience, and we've had a number of good suggestions emerge already.

And of course we'll be back, same time, same place next year. Hopefully I'll see you all then.

Order your t-shirts now!

And now we have a final design. And an order form.

Shirts will be $30 each.

The grey areas will be a dull silver, the white areas are... well, white.

For a larger version of this picture, see the attachment below.

We need orders by Monday 16th January please...

Tshirts will be available at Kapcon. Please bring money with you. If you wish to pay by internet banking, then please use the Kapcon account as on this page. Please make sure that you put your NAME and a reference of TSHIRT in the payment.

Any questions, please email us.


Yes, there will be T-shirts this year! Here's the preliminary design:

We're currently getting costs, and running a poll on NZRaG to see how much people are willing to pay; if the costs are too high, then we will fall back to the main design (currently on the back) being on the front. So, please fill out the poll and let us know.

Hopefully we can take orders next week.


No, we don't have a t-shirt design yet. But we're discussing it on NZRaG, here. Please join in and throw your suggestiosn into the pool.

Extra time

Our magnificent SDC judge, Sophie Melchior, has decided to extend the scenario design competition deadline to 10 January 2012. So, the SDC is now officially in extra time!

If you have something you want to enter (such as, oh, that great game you ran last year, or are running this year, or ran at Fright Night), then you have a month to polish it up and send it away.

Call for games

So, its only four months to go till KapCon XXI, so its time to call for games. We've already got a few, thanks to the suckers wonderful people who offered early or were unable to avoid me at last years afterparty. But, as always, we need more. A lot more. Last year we ran 75 seperate game sessions, or about one for every two participants (we also ran about 20 sessions of Games on Demand). We're going to need about the same this year. Which means we need you to volunteer.

So, if you have a game idea, any game idea, and you're willing to run it at KapCon XXI, fill out the form. Please. Whether its crawling horror with Cthulhu, heroic fantasy in Lord of the Rings, a classic D&D red box dungeon crawl, or an intense family drama larp, with 150 gamers around, there will probably be someone who wants to play it. So please, step up, volunteer to GM, and help make KapCon XXI happen.

(GMs receive discounted entry and a free game pick for every session they run. We can also absolutely guarantee that in the event of Cthulhu rising from the depths, they will be eaten first. Which is better than it sounds, really).

NZRaG is back

The NZRaG forums, which have been a heart of the Wellington gamer community, have had some trouble recently as their database went rotten. But now they're back:

Its a new instance, so you will need to reregister, and it'll probably take a day or two to process people and give them posting rights (a delay sadly necessary thanks to the number of spambots out there). The old forums have been archived, so all our discussions of KapCons past have been preserved.

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