The players play as skeletons that have awoken on a beach after their summoners castle base was attacked and they were knocked into a strong water currently bringing them to this beach at the bottom of the main island. due to the attack some of the players past lives experiences have started to flow back to them .unable to speak but able to communicate with each other due to a magical link. the players feel a bond to their master to return to the base and save him before he is kill or worse they might have to serve the attacker
Players will be given a base character sheet for their skeletons to build from.
This game isn't meant to be overwhelmingly deep and just to have fun with the idea of being a skeleton in a fantasy setting.
They system RULE OF COOL is a d20 based system with use of other dice from d4,d6,d8,d10,d12. this system is in a late working draft with the goal of getting it published along with addition material to compliment the system.
The system is mechanics heavy but is very intuitive once you get the hang of it and plays much like other d20 system games