What evil lurks in the near by high school, apart from teenagers of course, I have no idea. In part one of this double feature the weird and scary was unleashed, now your here to set things right. For those who are unfamiliar with these games they are both Apocalyse World hacks, the first with a focus on the more unhealthy aspects of teenage life and all the drama that entails. Think Jennifers Body, Teen Wolf, the Craft. The second game is more along the lines of Supernatural, Fringe and the X-Files.
Copper Creek, a small town distinguished only by its private liberal arts college, turkey processing plant and unusually high teen pregnancy rate. Recently, a spate of unexplained fires has the local fire department and
law enforcement agencies stumped. You and your associates suspect supernatural forces may be at work. Last night a caravan in the local trailer park was burnt to the ground, incinerating the elderly resident. Can you solve the mystery and stop the fires before someone else is killed?
R16: Adult themes and possible trigger-warning (probably about as bad as watching the News on a bad night)