urban fantasy

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Urban Shadows

James Plunket

Urban Shadows is an urban fantasy roleplaying game where you’ll play characters struggling to survive in a dark urban environment drowning in supernatural politics. The game focuses heavily on the gritty drama and tense violence that we see so often in works like The Dresden Files, Angel, Mortal Instruments, the PC Grant novels and World of Darkness.

The rules for Urban Shadows are based on Apocalypse World in which you play to find out what happens. The mechanics push the story forward toward exciting and unexpected ends; your actions are resolved with minimal rules and maximum drama. This session is intended to heavily utilise contributions from players to shape the story and the city that it takes place in.

NB: This was formerly "Handful of Dust" run by Luke Walker. The games are essentially the same, it's just a change in the GM.

Urban Shadows
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