unreliable narration

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LARP: The Demon Gate

Catherine Pegg

Squatting outside the city the Demon Gate, roofed as it is, is an uncertain haven for travellers, vagrants, mendicant monks, criminals, lost spirits... and you.

There was a trial, about a man that died. They made you speak there. You saw something, right? You still don't understand it; the pieces don't fit. There was a trial, and there will be an execution, and your part is done. But it haunts you.

There are two hours before the ferry comes and you can get out of here. Which leaves you stuck with answering the question: what exactly happened?

A storytelling game for 10-12 players loosely based on The Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa), and "In A Grove" and "The Rashomon" (Ryunosuke Akutagawa). While relatively dark, this game won't have any themes of sexual violence.

Live action; rules light
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