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Waiting In The Rain

Stephanie Pegg

Waiting in the Rain is a game about interpersonal relationships and getting soaked to the skin.
It’s built around the genre of dramatic, romantic, or romantic comedy films and tv serials that have strong ensemble casts. There’s generally a protagonist who has strong ties to the other major characters, and the story is built up as a series of shared events which build up the emotional connections between the characters and develop increasing complications in their stories. Finally, the protagonist realises that there is one particular relationship that they must fight for, and they embark on a grand quest and public declaration – they need to make a play for true love. But love is difficult and they need their friends to help them…

This game can be played out as interlinked romances, or a group of friends working out differences with each other, or a family with strained relationships (or any kind of combination). The common theme is that our relationships with people are worth making an effort for.

This is the first run of a newly designed story game, and could All Go Horribly Wrong. Caveat ludor. But come and have fun anyway.

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