Wellington's Annual Roleplaying Convention - 20th & 21st January, 2007
KapCon XVI -> LARP->The Flight of the Hindenberg

The Flight of the Hindenberg

The LARP for Kapcon XVI is to be set in the 1930's aboard the airship Hindenberg, the largest aircraft to ever fly. For it's premiere flight from New York a special charity gala is being hosted to raise money for local shelters and soup kitchens. Expect gangsters, dashing heroes, Nazis, glamorous stars and much, much more!

Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 12:45 PM NZST
Mundane Details

It is traditional that there be a live action role-play (LARP) on the Saturday evening of KapCon. If you're interested in what we've done in the past for this, go have a look at our archives.

This event will be brought to you by the The Flight of the Hindenberg LARP Production Team, presently consisting of Nasia Alesiovos, Katriana Allis, Nick Cole, and Frank Pitt.

Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 12:45 PM NZST

Go to the cast page to see what characters are currently available.

But if there's nothing there that interest you, feel free to suggest to the producers a character you would like to play. We can't promise you'll get what you want, but we'll try and accomodate people's wishes.

Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 12:45 PM NZST
Reference Material

Here's some media references that may have a bearing on the style of the LARP and could be of use to people planning costuming and getting a feel for the period and style of this LARP