The latest KapCon news will be posted here as soon as possible. Bookmark this page to keep tabs on any changes or new information.
Added the following games :
The following game is now full for the first round :
Added the following games :
The following game is now full for the first round :
Due to the womders of internet banking, the KapCon staff have decided to extend pre-registration to the weekend prior to KapCon. But remember we need to have evidence of your payment prior to that date for the pre-registration discount to apply.
Added the following game :
A reminder that pre-registrations close in three days! If you're not pre-registered at that point , you will have to pay full price and will have to rely on getting into a first round game on the day! Also half the LARP characters are already cast, so get your preferences in now!
Added the following game :
The following first round games are now full :
Kapcon XVI T-shirts available on the merchandise page.
Added the following games :
Latest Kapcon flyer uploaded!
Added the following games :
Evin Shir Games and Green Ronin hace come on board as suporters for Kapcon
Latest Kapcon flyer uploaded!
Some more LARP characters marked as taken.
The registration pages are now functional and we now have the first six games listed, as well as the cast list for the Flight of the Hindenburg LARP
Finally! Sorry for the delays people, a combination of the web site now being hosted on a different server, and the web guy being oveseas for over a month, and general laziness, has delayed getting this running. Expect more frequent updates from now on!
Well it's here in a raw form at least. Hopefuly we'll get some meat on the site before too long!