Kapcon 2025

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Batman: A Ghost of One’s Former Self

Luke Walker

Hell-bent on reigning over the Gotham City underworld, the Ghost Dragons triad has discreetly taken control of a number of smaller gangs. They are now waiting for the right moment to launch a full-scale attack against the leading crimefamilies. However, this conquest of Gotham City requires the elimination of Batman, both as an adversary and as a symbol.

Batman. The guardian who watches over Gotham City - a city whose name has become synonymous with crime and corruption. A symbol of hope, tirelessly challenging all threats to its safety. In this scenario, you will play as Tim Drake, Alfred and Julia Pennyworth, Renee Montoya, and Harvey Bullock as they try to thwart the Ghost Dragons and their move against Gotham and the Batman.

Batman: Gotham City Chronicles is a traditional style RPG, using a tailored D20 system. This scenario heavily features both miniatures and maps to play out its cinematic set pieces.

Batman: Gotham City Chronicles


Luke Walker

As you approach, you see the house rising out of the mists, almost like it's waiting for you. The sun has nearly set, bathing the house in a perfect, golden light, the kind that makes everything look beautiful. Usually.

This house is an exception, its ugly outside warped unnaturally by the years of neglect. Still, you feel pulled toward it, like a center of gravity or a siren's call. As you take it all in you feel somehow strange. You feel Home.

Home is a GMless RPG in which the players all contribute to create and map a haunted house. In Home, you’ll be taking on the role of someone exploring a house. On your turn, you’ll draw a card, answer a question on the card without revealing the card to your fellow players, and shape the story of your night in the house. As you go, you’ll work to meet your needs, but you’ll also sustain wounds. At the end of the night, you’ll find out if you make it out of the house alive.

Home: The Haunted House Map Building RPG

Picaresque Roman

Luke Walker

Violence. Money. Betrayal.

Welcome to the City — a lawless district and also your home. Some here are fools who can only dream of striking it rich. Others are as smart as they are cowardly, hiding where the law has no say. But whatever delusion draws us here, whatever sin we wallow in that can only be indulged here, whatever it is that makes us take that step across the threshold, we are the wicked, and the City is our sanctuary.

You are a rogue trying to suck the marrow out of the big fish in this pond - the VIP. But you, you’re one of the picares, a rogue among rogues. You outwit all the rest, you take what’s yours, and then you laugh in everyone’s faces. But even you have to watch out, because someone close to you may not be what they appear - a Traitor. So once again, welcome to the City—we’ve been waiting. Join us in our song, a requiem for us rogues.

Picaresque Roman is a competitive RPG in which the PCs compete to be rogue among rogues as they steal influence and resource from a powerful individual, and each other. Only one PC can come out on top, but one PC has secretly been hired by the VIP to work against the other rogues. If you’re the traitor, lie in wait for the moment when you can take back all that influence the PCs have gained for themselves. If you’re not the traitor, then find out who is, or you’ll meet your demise quickly.

Picaresque Roman

Mythic Bastionland

Luke Walker

On cold misten hills, beast witsome and fell
In holdings and havens the vassals adwell
Seers know the all, the start and the end
Myths hushed aloud to which truth must abend

You are Knights united by a common Oath:

Seek the Myths
Honour the Seers
Protect the Realm

You may have dreams of glory, but every Knight must accept the risk of death. The Seers who knighted you have deemed that you travel as a Company. While some of you may rest, roam, or die, your collective journey will be as one.

This is an old school hexcrawl scenario in which a group of Knights travel to a far-off island realm under the guidance of the Seers to seek the truth of the Myth that resides there. The scenario will be randomly filled out based on a few key choices by the players at the start of the session.

Mythic Bastionland
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