Eclipse Phase

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Ego Hunter

Tim Oliver

Transhumanity stands on the edge of evolution and extinction. With the ability to upload our minds and nanofabricate almost anything, death and scarcity were nearly defeated. Then a war against super-intelligent AIs infected with an alien virus wiped out 95% of the population. Earth is a ruined wasteland, overrun by machines. The remnants of transhumanity—bio-engineered humans, uplifted animals, and infolife—expanded throughout the Solar System.

It's one of those months where there's so much to do and learn that you feel like you need to be in than one place at the same time. That's no problem! Upload your mindstate, fork it into copies each for its own chore, use standard tools to clip away their unnecessary memories and cut down that file size, and transmit them far afield - and when they come home, merge yourself together again. Nothing to worry about, perfectly routine.

But today you're back at home on Mars, along with your other forks - and your original self's gone missing. That's bad.

(This is a published scenario for Eclipse Phase, a game of transhumanism and horror)

Eclipse Phase


tim oliver

40 AU from the sun is a long way from anywhere, and in particular a long way from rescue. You check in for routine backups - and awake in new bodies to a dying space station and a warning.


Eclipse Phase is a game of transhumanism and horror in the wreckage of the Solar System after the Fall of Earth. This is a published scenario.

eclipse phase

Ego Hunter (Eclipse Phase)

tim oliver

Humanity stands on the cusp of a new age, with accelerated technological growth converging toward a singularity point, promising an undreamt-of future. Despite the ecopocalypse and social upheavals on Earth, humanity has conquered the solar system and partially terraformed Mars. Advancements in biotechnology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science have transformed our lives. Everyone is wirelessly networked with the world around them, AIs process vast amounts of information, and nano-fabrication enables people to “print” complex devices from the molecular level—at home. Biotechnology allows people to genefix, enhance, and clone their bodies, while others pursue body modifications to adapt to new environments or make themselves into something no longer quite human. People’s minds and memories can be digitized, uploaded, transferred over long distances, and downloaded into new bodies (biological or synthetic). Death has been defeated—for those who can afford it.

Some days you're so busy you have to be in more than one place at the same time. That's no problem! Upload your mindstate, fork it into copies each for its own chore, use standard tools to clip away the unnecessary memories and cut down that file size, and send them far afield - and when they come home, merge yourself together again. Nothing to worry about.

But today you're back at home on Mars, along with your other forks, and your original self's gone missing.

That's bad.

Eclipse Phase

Press The Flesh

Daniel Steadman

Press The Flesh

The life of a Sentinel is never easy. You are run by an illicit organisation with the goal of saving Transhumanity from itself and other threats.

You had been hoping for some downtime but floating above Venus you know you are in for a very long day *...approximately 2793 old terran hours...* your muse softly whispers in the recesses of your mind.

This game will be exploring what it means to be 'human'. There will be action and humour but we will touch on ideas and concepts that could make people uncomfortable.

Eclipse Phase

Mind the WMDs

Conan McKegg

About thirty years ago the TITANs, powerful AIs designed to protect us, went rogue and brought about the fall of humanity. Earth is a post apocalyptic wasteland and humanity has fled to the other worlds of the Solar System.

Now we have changed, we are no longer known as humanity but as Transhumanity. We have conquered death, our minds kept in backup ready to be downloaded into new bodies when required. Our forms can be anything, our bodies now just another resource for our minds to use and replace at our whim.

Eclipse Phase
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