mundensA's blog

2011 SDC Entries up on SDC site.

Just updated the SDC web site to list all the 2011 entrants with links so you can download the following entries :

  • The Hand That Feeds by Alasdair Sinclair (winner) - a horror scenario about old-west demon hunters and the decisions they make, using Savage Worlds.
  • Did You Hear The One by Sophie Melchior (Runner Up) - a horror mini-LARP about a haunted house.
  • The Cold Shoreby Malcolm Harbrow - a subantarctic survival horrorusing NEMESIS.Distributed under Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike l 3.0 Licence
  • The Silver Kiss of the Magical Twilight of the Full Moon (offsite link) by Jenni Dowsett - a supernatural romance scenario
  • New domain name :

    KapCon now has a new domain name of it's very own :

    Don't worry, all the old URLs (, ) still work, and will continue to do so as long as I maintain those domains, so people don;t need to hare off and edit any links they may have on web sites, and all our old search stats will remain relevant.

    It just means that there is now a slightly shorter URL to type and print on external forms. :)

    Kapcon SIte Now Has Commercial Hosting

    KapCon is no longer hosted on an ancient (10+ years old) IBM Net Vista sitting in my lounge. This hoary old beast is now permanently quiet, as is my lounge. You should find that performance of the site is significantly improved, along wth it's reliability.

    This site, and the others that used to be hosted there, are now hosted on a Debian VPS provided by the very professional New Zealand-based Net24. I've always been impressed at the service provided by their sister company 1st Domains, who provide registration and mail forwarding for all the sites I manage, including this one, and so far Net24 have been just as impressive.

    The process of transition was extremely smooth, and took less than day. ( I love apt-get! ) However, if you discover anything not working for you please let me know.

    Now to look at upgrading to Drupal 7 and looking at some of those site enhancements some people have suggested.

    Al-Shirma LARP casting questionnaire is up.

    Go and let the LARP team know your character preferences by filling out the LARP casting questionnaire

    KapCon 24

    KapCon 24 in 2015 is on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th of January. Monday 19th is a statutory holiday for Wellington workers and can be used for recovery.

    What is KapCon?

    KapCon is a not-for-profit role-playing game convention run annually in Wellington, New Zealand, every January. Over a hundred people get together for a weekend of role-playing, in a diverse range of styles and systems. Over the weekend, more than 30 individual games are run, with volunteer GMs (or storytellers, narrators or facilitators) running games between one and six times over the course of the convention.

    New SDC Entries On-Line!

    The SDC Archive has been updated with two of this year's entries, including Stephanie Pegg's winning entry, But Nobody Loses An Eye and Donna & Malcom's amusing Down & Out In Middenburg

    We've also added the missing 2008 winning entry For the Honour of the Family. Sorry it's taken us so long to get that one up there!

    KapCon 18 Over

    Well, KapCon 18 is over, and we have to wait an entire year till another. Thanks to everyone who came along and made it such a lot of fun, especially our overseas visitors and the LARP team, but not forgetting all our amazing facilitators!

    In the meantime, you can look at pictures of the LARP (some more are available here, but you'll need a Facebook log-in to see them), or follow the thread on NZ-RAG where people link to posts about their experiences of the convention. If you've written one, or just want to make some comments, go to the thread and link yours in, we all want to hear what people thought!

    Now we have to figure out what (if anything) next year's KapCon will be subtitled!

    Catalyst and Widfire now supporters of KapCon 18!

    Catalyst GameLabs Wildfire LIC

    Wildire LIC producers of CthuluTech and the Framework Engine & Catalyst GameLabs, current producers of BattleTech and ShadowRun are welcomed on board as supporters of KapCon 18!

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