Out of the dust storm emerges the ancient wreck of a prime mover and fuel tanker.
It is partly charred, its wheels and sides studded with metal crossbow bolts.
Kapcon XIV - The Big Ten-Four
Wellington's Annual Roleplaying Convention - 22nd & 23rd January, 2005
KapCon XIV -> Games->The High Price of Spandex

The High Price of Spandex

Facilitator : Dale Elvy Number of Players : 6
System : Mutants & Masterminds (D20) System Knowledge? : Not Needed
Genre : Modern Super Hero Genre Knowledge? : Not Needed
Style : Narrative with handouts RPG Experience? : Not Needed
Age / Maturity : Maturity Required Classification : M
Energy / Volume : High Energy, High Intensity, Low Volume Scored :

In 24 hours everyone will die. That's it. No ransom demands, no calls to the President, no cackling villains taunting captive hero's. Just a single, chilling sentence beamed to every television set across the globe. Who will save us? You? But you traded in the Super Hero game a few years ago for the quiet life. After all, the really bad villains were locked up and the medical bills were getting too high, besides your therapist told you it was just too much stress...

Can the defunct Council of Champions convene to cancel catastrophe?

Will the world be saved by our weary, wayward warriors?

Only you hold the answers.

Characters Provided - Promo Website available soon at www.angelfire.com/home/daleelvy/Spandex