The latest KapCon news will be posted here as soon as possible. Bookmark this page to keep tabs on any changes or new information.
10-4 Cast list updated
Added the following game :
T-shirts are all done, and the final cost will be $20 each. You will be able to pick up your shirt at KapCon. Please let the organizers know if you have pre-ordered a shirt but won;t be able to attend.
Pre-registrations are now definitely closed.
Unfortunately, due to our cafe manager being unavailable the JKApCon Cafe will not be as full-featured as it was last year
However, coffee will be available. Feel free to bring your own cup to save on waste. Also some canned beverages and junk food may be made avialable. We will also be doing orgainzed fish and chips runs as last year
Added the following game :
Added the following games :
Luke Walker's Nocturnals : The Dark Forever is now full in the first round
Nick Pitt's Samurai Pizza Cats: Big Trouble in Little Tokyo! is the first of our first round games to fill up!
Nick tells me that means he'll have to get it written!
Added the LARP costuming page, and the Angry Joe's Logo to the LARP pages.
LARP characters have changed again, some have been taken, see the Cast page.
Added the following RPGA games :
Update the following game details
Modified the timetable.
LARP characters have changed already, some have been taken, see the Cast page.
Added the following games :
LARP characters are now available for selection on the Cast page.
Added the following games :
After a few problems with accessig the site, and being out of the country for a while, I have finally got the site updated!
Please could potential storytellers check the timetable and let uis know of any issues. Also please note that the timetable is not very full, so if anyone would be wiling to run theior game again please let us know. And if anyone is planing on running a game at KapCon who is not currently on the site, could they please register via the game restration form!
Added the following games :
Steve Jackson Games have indicated theior willingness to support us, so now let's support them. Who will run Hell-Boy for us? Anyone wanting to run Transhuman Space? Get those Steve Jackson Games registered now!
Added the following games and Matt Cowans new page on Running Games at KapCon :
Added the following games and updated the timetable :
Also added Marcus Bone's Unbound Book as a supporter
Large number of changes, including activation of the registration page, info on the LARP, first round games, updating home page, etc.
Go and have look at the games page!
Well, not much to it yet, but she's up and running!