Out of the dust storm emerges the ancient wreck of a prime mover and fuel tanker.
It is partly charred, its wheels and sides studded with metal crossbow bolts.
Kapcon XIV - The Big Ten-Four
Wellington's Annual Roleplaying Convention - 22nd & 23rd January, 2005
KapCon XIV -> Games->IUZ4-05 - Stepping into the Parlor

IUZ4-05 - Stepping into the Parlor

Facilitator : ? Number of Players : 6 ?
System : Living Greyhawk D&D3.5 System Knowledge? : Useful
Genre : Fantasy Genre Knowledge? : Useful
Style : ? RPG Experience? : Useful
Age / Maturity : ? Classification : ?
Energy / Volume : ? Scored : ?

by Greg Marks

APL: 10 to 16

The PCs are given the opportunity to learn more about the machinations of the Old One from an unusual and dangerous source. The PCs travel into the Empire of Iuz to find the truth about an offer from this strange bedfellow.

An adventure for APLs 10 to 16, Part 4 in the Purification Cycle