We are using a slightly different game description fromat than in previous years, based on feedback gathered on RPG Central and at WARGS over the last few months. If you want to find out more about this, click here.
If you would like to run a game at KapCon, go here for useful information. If you are already an old hand, please go straight to our game registration page. Remember you can get a discounted registration if you are running a game.
If you would like your game run at KapCon but can't, or don't want to, run it yourself, enter it in the Scenario Design Competition and we will arrange an experienced facilitator to run it for you.
The following games are confirmed as part of the first round.
A indicates that this game is fully subscribed in the first round.
Please don't be disappointed if you miss out on a particular game in the first round, most of these games
will be run again over the weekend. Refer to the timetable for details
Other games that will be run over the weekend :
There will also be the usual RPGA sponsored games, including Living Greyhawk D&D, and Living Kingdoms of Kalamar,