Out of the dust storm emerges the ancient wreck of a prime mover and fuel tanker.
It is partly charred, its wheels and sides studded with metal crossbow bolts.
Kapcon XIV - The Big Ten-Four
Wellington's Annual Roleplaying Convention - 22nd & 23rd January, 2005
KapCon XIV -> Games->Game Descriptions

Game Descriptions

We are using a slightly different game description fromat than in previous years, based on feedback gathered on RPG Central and at WARGS over the last few months.

The new format is designed to give people a better idea of the games they will be playing in. We will continue to modify this format until we find one that best meets the needs of the attendees and the facilitators.

Each of the sections of the game description format will be discussed below. If you are still in doubt after reading this, try loking at the games that are already listed for examples of how to fill out the fields.


What you wish your game to be known as. Facititators should try to come up with a descriptive and evocative title.


We use the term "facilitator" for the person or persons who design and/or run the scenario. We use this term to avoid using those that have negative connotations for some players, such as "Game Master" or "Story Teller". The facilitator should enter the name they wish to be known by here.


This is the mechanics or rules system that is being used. Examples are D20 , Storyteller System, Paranoia, Traveller, etc. Where possible please provide a URL linking to the system web site, and we will include this link for player reference. Use the term "Freeform" if you are not planning on using any mechanics.

System Knowledge

How much knowledge will the game assuem about the game system you have chosen? Selected from


Write a short two or three word descrioption of the genre. Examples : Action/Adventure, Historical Romance, Space Opera, Anime with Mecha, Urban Horror, Mystery/Adventure, etc. Freeform textual description

Genre Knowledge

How much knowledge about the genre you have chosen will you be expecting the players to have? Selected from


In what style will the game be played? Id it Narrative? Combat-oriented? Are there LARP elements involved? Is there likely to be a lot of puzzle-solving? Freeform textual description

RPG Experience

How much knowledge about the game system you have chosen will you be expecting the players to have? Selected from

Age / Maturity

Wht age or maturity level is this game aimed at? What sort of themes are likely to be explored ? Is everyone going to be very silly or will silliness be frowned on? Freeform textual description.


This decision should be based on what you think the New Zealand film censor's classifications would be for your game. For people reading the decsription pleae be aware these are self-rated by the author.

Energy / Volume

Is this a game where players are explected to jump about and scream like monkeys, or will such behaviour be frowned upon? Freeform textual description


Will this game be scored and thus count towards qualifying for the various prizes? This is a choice of the facilitator, though even these games may still be eligible for some of the prize categories, such as the "memorable moments" prizes.


Freeform textual description of what the game is about