Out of the dust storm emerges the ancient wreck of a prime mover and fuel tanker.
It is partly charred, its wheels and sides studded with metal crossbow bolts.
Kapcon XIV - The Big Ten-Four
Wellington's Annual Roleplaying Convention - 22nd & 23rd January, 2005
KapCon XIV -> Games->The Ballad of Old Tusky

The Ballad of Old Tusky

Facilitator : Matt Cowens Number of Players : 6
System : Very simple d100 System Knowledge? : Not Needed
Genre : Caveman-Silly Genre Knowledge? : Not Needed
Style : Not-a-Larp (lots of in-character sillyness, possibly some jumping around and grooming each other, making silly noises, but not actually a Larp) RPG Experience? : Not Needed
Age / Maturity : Rated S for silly. Contains some cruelty to cavepeople. Politically correct avoidance of the term 'caveman' may offend some players from the era portrayed. Classification : GA
Energy / Volume : Sugar-highs and monkey noises appreciated, but not necessary Scored : false
Back in the day, the chief of your tribe was trampled to death by a mammoth called Old Tusky (he has only one tusk). You are an elite group of cave-folk who are off on a regular hunt. You aren't expecting too much trouble, but a flaming meteor, a rampaging mammoth (could it be Old Tusky himself?), and a series of earthquakes are not good omens for the expedition...