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It is 2007, the Sinaloa Cartel is the largest drug trafficking organization in the world, a vast network of narcos, halcones, y sicarias moving billions of dollars of drugs into Los Estados Unidos.
Take on the role of someone tied to the Sinaloa Cartel in Durango, Mexico, trying to stay alive in a dangerous game of drugs, money, and power. Navigate shifting alliances and deadly schemes, while desperately struggling to hold on to what's yours.

This is a largely character-driven game of compromised people in a corrupt world. High player agency is expected, as the world reacts to the drives and actions of the central characters.

Note: this game deals with some dark materials, including potential player character fatality, so will begin with a safety briefing and use safety tools throughout.


Surge Protection: Coming in Hot


Just one job could set you up for life. But if you’re caught, it’ll be a long stay at the ‘greybar hotel’. In Coming in Hot you play a small group of those desperate, daring, or straight-up dangerous enough to plan and execute an audacious robbery.

This is a collaborative story game for 3-6 players (there is no GM). During the course of a single session you’ll create a character and forge a criminal history with others, using a simple dice-based system. Each character also has an agenda of their own that players can choose to reveal to add further drama to proceedings.

Once the team is been formed, the characters assemble at their safehouse and the countdown begins. To successfully pull of the job the team need to know what they’re up against, and plan to defeat the target’s layers of security – but care is needed to avoid tipping off the cops.

With preparations made the moment of truth arrives:
- Will the team get away clean, and live happily ever after?
- Will the cops get tipped off and thwart the robbery?
- Or, will there be an epic chase sequence as the robbers make a desperate attempt to escape the law?

Because of the choices the players make, and the luck of the dice, no two games will be the same.

Players need to be prepared to add a few of their own creative ideas to the game. Because much of the content of the game is generated at the table we will be using the x card and lines and veils techniques. This game will also serve as a playtest of the system.

Coming in Hot

Sam's Car

Mike Foster

An unfortunate error. Now it needs to be rectified before the wrong people notice and get angry. Go pick up Sam's car they said, it'll be easy they said, you'll be doing him a favour they said. What could possibly go wrong? You're about to find out.

A sort of thing with dice

Burying the Hatchet (surge protection)

Michael Foster

"Sharky" Baxter rules the East End with an iron fist, aided by his gang of violent psychopaths. But rumour on the street is his biggest rival, Vince "the Hatchet" Carver is back and out for revenge. Sharky's angry and you don't want to be on his bad side when that happens. You're going to have to get out there and bust some heads, kneecaps, fingers and any other convenient body parts until the truth is revealed.
It's time to bury the hatchet once and for all.


A walk by the river

Jan-Yves Ruzicka

The district of Crow's Foot in the city of Doskvol is a place divided. The recent turf war between rival gangs, the savage Lampblacks and the well-disciplined Red Sashes, ended a year back with an uneasy truce splitting the island-suburb in two. Now every block claims its allegiance, every pub hangs its preferred colours outside to let everyone know who's welcome and who's not. It's not an easy peace.

A week back, word reached Mylera Klev, leader of the Sashes, that an up-and-coming lieutenant in the Lampblacks was interested in defecting. Then a couple of days later, that same lieutenant disappeared. Perhaps someone in the Lampblacks got suspicious; perhaps said lieutenant is already lying face-down in the Dusk River. Regardless, Klev needs a group of ne'er-do-wells and rogues to investigate. A group smart enough to work alone, small enough not to arouse suspicion, and independent enough that if the whole thing blows up, she can deny all involvement and leave them to hang. Who could be desperate enough for money, fame, and influence to take her up?

Is it you guys? Yeah, it's you guys.

Blades in the Dark is "a game about a group of daring scoundrels building a criminal enterprise on the haunted streets of an industrial-fantasy city. There are heists, chases, escapes, dangerous bargains, bloody skirmishes, deceptions, betrayals, victories, and deaths." (We probably won't be able to fit all of these into a three-hour session though.) The system is currently being Kickstarted by designer John Harper. This game will be using the Quickstart 7.1 rules, if you're playing along at home.

Blades in the Dark

Chicago Mole Hunt

Damon Ross

You are the Captains of Frankie Ciserello's gang, a subsidiary organisation under the general administration of Alfonse Capone. It's been a good couple of years, liquor, girls, gambling everything was at an all time high, then the feds moved in and it all started to go belly up. First Big Al went down, then a few more Captains from around the city, now everybody is nervous. People are getting wary. Your little empire is tight, everybody knows everybody but still, secrets have been leaked, damage has been done and if something ain't done about it you're all goin' down. It's time to rattle some cages, call in some favours and get to the bottom of this, else you're all heading for the Big House. One thing's for sure tho, don't trust nobody!

D8 Rules Light


Michael Foster

Welcome to the Edge.
Life here isn't always easy. The Mayor controls this city with a tight grip, aided by Agents of the dreaded Corrections Bureau and their faceless Automatons.
There's a war on too, and we all must be vigilant for signs of The Enemy. Their spies could be anywhere, or anyone. But our brave Navy are taking the fight to them and the new fleet about to launch will be the one that finally ends the war. The Mayor says it, so it must be true.
Life in Wartime means some stuff isn't so easy to come by, at least for the likes of you and I. Folks on the East Side never seem to want for much, but that's always the way of things. Prohibition is in force, but you can usually find a drink, if you know the right people.
And of course, you don't want to be outside when the Fog rolls in.


Florida Man Rises

Mike Foster

Somebody done stole Cactus Pete's bike! So now, with the help of his friends The Armadillo Man, Gentleman Esteban, Her Majesty and Angry the Dog (an actual dog), he aims to get it back and ain't nobody gonna stop 'em!

Florida Man

Burying the Hatchet (SURGE PROTECTION)


The shocking true story behind the hit film!
"Sharky" Baxter rules the East End with an iron fist, aided by his gang of violent psychopaths. But rumour on the street is that his biggest rival, Vince "the Hatchet" Carver is back and out for revenge. Sharky's angry and you don't want to be on his bad side when that happens. You're going to have to get out there and bust some heads, kneecaps, fingers and any other convenient body parts until the truth is revealed.
It's time to bury the hatchet once and for all.
(Basically, if you played Break a Leg and had no idea what it was all about, this might help)


Break a Leg (aka The Stand-Ins)

Mike Foster

Filming on the movie event of the year has begun. J.J. Abrams is executive producing and some big names have signed up to appear. After years of legal wrangling, delays and rewrites, production on the shocking true story of the brutal criminal gang that terrorised London for years is finally underway.
But tensions are running high among the cast and crew. Rumour has it that an actual member of the gang is on set as a consultant, and death threats have been received, advising in great detail exactly what will happen if production is not halted immediately. To keep everyone calm filming has been moved to a secret location and extra security added.
Lights, camera, action!

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