Kapcon 2018

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Dungeon World

James Plunket

The land of DUNGEON WORLD is a dangerous place, steeped in mysterious magic and beset by fiendish monsters, but within its crumbling ruins lie vast riches and ancient treasures for those hardy souls willing to brave their dangers. Sharpen your sword and prepare your spells, for adventure awaits!

Dungeon World

Shadowrun: Jumping Ship

Grant Robinson

Some jobs sound like money for jam! Here you are, with an offer to kidnap someone who wants to be kidnapped!

Shadowrun: Jumping Ship asks the players to act as a team to rescue someone from a job that pays slightly less than a competitor, a rescue with elements of a heist and maybe even some diplomacy.

Shadowrun 5th Edition


Bridget Hughes

A group of strangers compete for fabulous prizes on a reality TV show. Alliances will form, tensions will flare, romance will blossom, bonds will be broken, heads will roll - What, what?

Risus - The Anything RPG (super easy)

Pokemon Emergency!

Nick Pitt

In this game, you and your friends become Pokémon trainers and set out on a series of exciting adventures. Journey from Pallet Town to Viridian City, looking for Pokémon to capture and battle to win! With each story-game you play, you and your friends collect Pokémon and gain experience in your quest to become Pokémon masters.

It's a game typically aimed at children 6-8 years old, so it's a REALLY simple system that plays a lot like a collaborative pick-a-path adventure. The fun from this game really comes from helping to create the world, defining who you are as a pokemon trainer and bringing fun RP to the table.

Pokemon Jr Adventure Game

D&D5: Death House

Eva Gregory


Was that..? Shit, a wolf’s howl. You hear another, and another joins them. You shiver, drawing your cloak tight. Wolves don’t come this far down the mountain, especially not where there are campfires burning. You hope.

Thick fog rolls over your campsite. Thick enough to obscure your fire. You can’t even see your hand in front of your face!


Closer this time. You stand, hand on your weapon, ready.

This is a modified version of Death House, the introductory adventure published alongside Curse of Strahd, a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure modified for 5e 2024 rules.

This adventure is ideal for beginners! No Dungeons & Dragons knowledge required.

  • Cooperative fantasy gothic-horror game, in the classic D&D Ravenloft setting
  • No previous D&D knowledge required
  • Balance between role-play and combat
  • Pre-generated characters provided, and we’ll spend a little time personalising them
  • Some dark themes: 16+ only, and using red/yellow card system for limits, triggers and no-go areas.

Welfare notes:
Death House is a Gothic Horror (fantasy) story and as such has many dark themes. Themes in this game include: violence (non-sexual), neglect, death, madness, the occult.
There will be no ‘on-screen’ or explicit sexual violence, racism, sexism, homophobia or transphobia and the same will not be tolerated from players.
Please let me know any limits, triggers or no-go areas beforehand or as we play.

We will employ a Red Card/Yellow Card system *during* gameplay. To use a yellow or red card, just say “yellow/red card”. You do not need to explain why (though you can if you want).

  • “Yellow Card” this is when the roleplay is approaching your limit. This could mean “I’m fine with what we’re talking about right now, but I don’t want it to go further”. It could mean “I’m only happy to proceed if we first discuss how far this scene is going to go”
  • “Red Card” means “stop immediately” or “I am not comfortable” and the scene will be stopped of changed immediately. No explanation is required.
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition

Dread: Redwater Rapids

Jay 'Rakdos'

The little town of Redwater, Texas. Home to a good five hundred souls and the Quincey Morris University.
It is a time of curiosity, debauchery and intensity. The Swinging Sixties is in full swing, and it is summer break of 1966. Not a lot of songs reference the Summer of '66, but to hell with that, it's time to party!
However, there are a lot of tales.
Wright Patman Lake, the biggest lake for miles, has a few myths about it, such as the infamous Minotaur Scare of '63 where a group of six almost all died in the woods around Wright Patman and the last one blamed it on minotaurs.
Or, of course, the Mud Drownings in '62, where another group all drowned because they got stuck in the sediment at the bottom, and their clothing was caked in hardened mud.
But come on, those things don't exist... Right?


Bleak Prospect


The residents of a shantytown in Depression-era Massachusetts find their small community under assault from unknown forces. Working to overcome their own infirmity and the indifference of the authorities, the investigators - residents of the shantytown themselves - need to find out who or what is preying on them before those they hold dear are destroyed.

This is a scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7e by Scott Dorward. The players take the role of pre-generated investigators who work together, risking their sanity and wellbeing to solve mysteries

Call of Cthulhu (7e)

Everyone expects the magic inquisition

Ben Bishop

The inquisition is scouring the land looking for practitioners of magic. Shockingly they have a lead. They have found someone that is rumored to know a practitioner... that practitioner is you!

Can you save your friend before they are tortured to death? or even worse, give you up?

This a homebrew system loosely based on a cross between Magicka (the computer game/mage suicide simulator) and paper, scissors, rock.


Nightmare Town


"It was the middle of the day when the dame walked into my office. I could tell the moment I saw her that she was trouble - good-looking trouble, but trouble nonetheless. She slammed a foot-long wooden stake down on my desk and said she had a problem, a vampire problem, and she wanted it gone. I told her I didn't believe in vampires. She produced a thick wad of cash and asked how much. 'Honey, for $500 a day, I'll believe anything...'"

I'm going back to my roots for KapCon 2018: you'll be playing hard-boiled detectives working for the San Francisco branch of the Continental, stolen from Hammett. I'm going to bring to the table Tommy guns, fast cars, sultry seducers of all genders, clues, murder, extortion, arson, and because we love tropes: Vampires. You're going to bring hard-boiled dialogue, hard-boiled action, and hard-boiled morals. Together we're going to kill a lot of Vampires or die trying. Probably die trying.

Night's Black Agents

Alas for the Awful sea


“You’ve been at sea long enough to know that this is no ordinary storm. This is the storm that comes once in a sailor’s life, that they tell about in every inn house, every tavern, every day for the rest of their lives. This storm is a milestone...or a tombstone.

The rain hits you so hard it seems to fall with personal vengeance. The ship is rocking like a wooden boat in a five year old’s hands. You are tossed well beyond nausea and perhaps even into terror. Lightning cracks through the sky, an ill omen that this storm is far from over.”

"Alas for the Awful Sea" is a Powered-by-the-Apocalypse game exploring the bitter dilemmas facing starving towns torn apart by crime and loss. To tell this story, it delves into the fantastical, weaving in folktale elements that mirror the beliefs and struggles of the town.

Apocalypse World
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